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How can yoga teachers incorporate games and activities in their children’s classes?

Yoga is a great way for children to develop physical, mental, and emotional skills. However, it can sometimes be challenging to keep children engaged and interested during yoga classes. Incorporating games and activities into children’s yoga classes can be a fun and effective way to keep them interested and motivated. In this blog post, we will discuss some ways in which yoga teachers can incorporate games and activities into their children’s yoga classes.

  1. Yoga Games: Incorporate yoga-themed games to make the class more engaging. Games like “Yoga Simon Says” or “Yoga Freeze Dance” can be used to teach yoga poses and movements while keeping children active and entertained. Games which are very dynamic can be used as warm-ups and slow games of stillness are best used leading to Relaxation.
  2. Yoga Obstacle Course: Create a yoga obstacle course to keep children engaged and participating where the obstacles are yoga poses. The poses are being held whilst a child goes through the obstacle course resulting in developing strength and stamina.
  3. Yoga Storytime: Incorporate storytelling into yoga classes to make the practice more enjoyable. Retelling a story that incorporates yoga poses or creating a story where children act out yoga poses can make the class more interactive and engaging.
  4. Partner Poses: Incorporate partner poses to promote cooperation and teamwork. Partner poses like “Airplane” or “Tree Pose Together” can help children connect with each other and practice balance.
  5. Yoga Walks: Allow children to walk all around the room, and outside their mat to practice ‘Yoga Walk Like A “Pose”‘. This can be a controlled way to allow children the freedom to step outside their mat from time to time. Include a Meditation Walk to come back to quietness as needed
  6. Mindfulness Activities: Incorporate mindfulness activities into the class to help children practice mindfulness and relaxation. Activities like “Yoga Breathing Exercises” or “Yoga Meditation” can help children develop coping skills and emotional regulation.

In conclusion, incorporating games and activities into children’s yoga classes can help keep them engaged and motivated. As a yoga teacher, it is important to create a fun and interactive environment that promotes learning and development. By incorporating these activities, yoga teachers can make yoga classes more engaging and enjoyable for children.  Check out Yogamoo’s Fun and Engaging Curriculum and Lesson Plans

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