The Yogamoo Children Yoga TTC Follows a Structured yet Maleable Formula Which Will Give You The Confidence To Teach Whilsts Allowing Your Creativity To Flourish.

Make a Difference

You have wanted to make a difference to children in education around you for a while. Now is the time to embrace your mission and get qualified. Within 1-3 months you will enjoy teaching children confidently, applying clear, tested and proven techniques from this award winning training.
You will not only make a difference around you but you will be on your way to your own transformative journey, winning contracts in local schools., giving talks to selected groups, or perhaps boosting your chance to opening a new market or winning a promotion on your current path.
The Yogamoo Children Yoga TTC is about reframing your path and reconnecting to the community around you whilst enjoying sharing Yoga and its benefits to Children in Schools.

The Formula is based on three powerful pillars

The first pillar of the Yogamoo Children Yoga TTC is the efficient and structured Sequence Builder which underpins our lesson plans. We will teach you the keys to all content applicable for each building block of the sequence builder. You will understand the benefits and intentions
behind the content, whether physical, mental or emotional so you can truly master or author the lesson plans yourself.

Breathing and Mindfulness
The second pillar of the Yogamoo Teacher Training TTC is the essence of Yoga itself, the Mindfulness and Breathing pillar, known to be at the basis of so many mental and physical benefits for children and grown ups alike: increased focus and concentration, balanced nervous system, reduced inflammation, fortified immune system, improved sleep quality etc.. We have got this broken down for you in 13 techniques, all pre-recorded and in order of progression.

The third pillar of the Yogamoo Children Yoga TTC underpins all our Lesson Plans in a convenient, gradual and logical way: every lesson plan includes guided Reflection, which builds up on the next, aggregating to a key powerful Reflection Theme each term of the school calendar. Children get to explore core values, connect to how they feel, rehearse life scenarios and practice tips for healthy emotional wellbeing