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Yoga for kids is becoming increasingly popular as parents look for ways to keep their children healthy and active. There are many benefits to introducing yoga to children, ranging from improved physical health to improved mental and emotional well-being. This blog will guide your kids on practising yoga at home.

1. Help Kids to Be Comfortable with Their Bodies

It can help them learn to use their bodies safely and in a supportive way, improving their self-confidence and self-esteem. Yoga can also help kids to learn to be more mindful of their thoughts and feelings and to be aware of the connection between their bodies and their minds.

2. Improve Their Physical Health

Yoga helps to increase strength and flexibility, as well as improve balance and coordination. It also helps to improve posture, which can help to prevent back and neck pain. Additionally, yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality.

3. Get Physical Activity Without the Pressure of Competition

Yoga is a great way for kids to get into some physical activity without the pressure of competition. It can help create a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem as kids learn to succeed in their practice.

4. Introduce Kids to the Practice of Yoga

It can be done in a comfortable, safe environment, free of judgement. Additionally, many yoga classes and videos are available online, which can be a great way to get kids started in their practice.

Basic Yoga Poses for Kids

1. Tree Pose

The Tree Pose is a great way to start a yoga session. To do this pose, stand up tall with your feet and arms at your sides. Slowly raise one foot and place it inside your opposite calf or thigh. With your arms extended, reach your hands towards the sky and hold for a few breaths.

2. Cat-Cow Pose

It helps to stretch and strengthen the spine. Begin by getting on all fours and placing your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. As you inhale, lift your chin and chest while arching your back. Tuck your chin towards your chest and round your back as you exhale.

3. Downward Facing Dog

This is another great pose for stretching and strengthening the spine. Start in a tabletop position and press up into an inverted “V” shape with your arms and legs straight. Keep your head in line with your arms, and press into your hands and feet to create a gentle stretch throughout your body.

4. Warrior I

This pose helps to strengthen the legs and core. Begin in a standing position and then step one foot back about three feet. Bend your front knee and reach your arms up towards the sky. Hold for a few breaths and then switch sides.

5. Child’s Pose

It helps to relax the body and calm the mind. Begin by kneeling and then sit back on your heels. Stretch your arms before you and let your forehead rest on the floor. Hold for a few breaths and then slowly come out of the pose.

The Bottom Line

Yoga can be a great way to keep kids active and healthy. It can help improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being and can be a great way to introduce kids to yoga. Practising yoga at home can be a great way to get started with yoga for kids.

Yogamoo provides children’s yoga designed to be fun, engaging and informative, and we focus on teaching children how to use yoga to become healthier, happier and more self-aware. Book a schedule today!

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