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There are tonnes of content online to make your 2024 your Best Year ever. I listen to podcasts a lot at the best of times, let alone now. I have been reviewing my favourites ones this week, in particular when it comes to Habits, Goals, Life Purpose, and Micro Changes, because these are the themes that I like to work on at this time of year for myself, my family and with my Yoga Students big and small:-)

Now what has been taking my attention the time is what is being said around Beliefs

Jim Kwick ‘ examine closely your beliefs around work, life, love and money. Because whatever Habit or Goal you have set yourself won’t happen if your deep engrained belief does not go in the same direction.  Deep engrained beliefs by the way can be set in stone for you from a very early age, whether they are still serving you or not. For instance: to get good marks, I must study long hours. Well …how about getting good tuition and spending less time by working smarter? The  same applies to your relationship to work and money. It is worth asking yourself these questions and challenging the answers you get against your current goals.

In particular, what is your attitude or belief towards failure? Jake Humphrey talks about the concept of Failure in sports. We don’t see it as failure, we see it as training. Successful people fail more than anybody else. So here again, it is a matter of examining your belief and reframing it in a positive way.

I picked up another quote from my teacher Judith Hanson Lasather today. She quotes the Buddha to say: “Do not seek enlightenment, merely cease to cherish beliefs”. How timely this is and so inspiring to see that philosophy can have practical application in our lives today. She comments on, saying how tremendous a task it is to witness your judgments and opinions day to day, see how one sided they are based on your beliefs. She advises to learn to let go of our beliefs (if appropriate)

Why is this so difficult? I presume because our beliefs partly form our Ego, our individuality: we defend them fiercely because they are the guidelines that separate us from others, help us know what is right from wrong and perhaps define who we are.

Top Tip 24: to examine your beliefs, notice your opinions in particular when you are about to stand firm and differ. This will help develop awareness of what beliefs you hold and why

For references quoted above, check out this fab podcast

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