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Soon as the veil of winter comes to a close, and Spring opens up to longer and brighter days, we might suddenly feel that we have more energy, a lighter spring in our step, a better mode, and an easier rise in the morning. But what if we could simply access this source of energy at any time, and know that we can beat the winter blues every time?

The solution is complex and simple all at ones. We are all different individuals and what suit one, does not suit all, however here is a great tool: use your body to heal your mind, and use your mind to heal your body.  Put simply you can use the Mindbody connection that Yogis study on their mat, to heal yourself outside of your mat.  A simple assessment of your mind could be: is my mind spinning too fast or too slow? then use your body to meet your mind and then regulate it. using your body could be a walk, a run, gardening, cleaning, shopping, playing a ball game, climbing a tree, you name it…. endless possibilities to fit your individual needs? Not a fan of the outdoors, Yoga can offer plenty of opportunities to meet your body in multiple ways indoors

Children’s yoga is a fantastic way to improve energy levels in kids. Yoga practice provides a holistic approach to improving physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, and its benefits are numerous. For children who are struggling to find the energy they need to get through the day, yoga can be an effective tool to help them regain focus, reduce stress, and increase their energy levels.

Yoga poses, also known as asanas, can help stimulate the body’s energy centers and promote healthy circulation. Certain poses, like the sun salutation, can be particularly invigorating and help children feel more awake and alert. In addition to physical poses, breathing exercises can also be effective in improving energy levels. Techniques like deep belly breathing and Kapalbhati breathwork can help increase oxygenation in the body, leading to improved energy levels and mental clarity.

Furthermore, yoga can help children improve their mental focus, which can be essential in maintaining consistent energy levels throughout the day. Yoga practice can help children learn to be more present in the moment, reducing distractions and promoting a calmer state of mind. This, in turn, can help children feel less stressed and more able to manage their energy levels.

Yoga can also provide a fun and engaging way for children to improve their energy levels. Incorporating playful elements, such as animal-themed poses, can make the practice more enjoyable for kids and encourage them to stay engaged. Additionally, practicing yoga in a group setting can foster a sense of community and promote social connections, which can also have a positive impact on energy levels.

In summary, children’s yoga can improve energy levels by stimulating the body’s energy centers, promoting healthy circulation, and reducing stress. It can also improve mental focus and provide a fun and engaging way for children to connect with their bodies and others. By incorporating yoga practice into their daily routine, children can feel more energized, focused, and ready to take on the day ahead.

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