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Stress is a common experience in modern society, where it happens due to adverse or demanding circumstances. Leaving it unmanaged can significantly impact one’s physical and mental well-being. It can also affect anyone, regardless of social status, gender, or age, including children. 

Kids and teens can experience stress from various factors, including the pandemic, bullying, school performance, and peer pressure. Besides creating a routine and limiting exposure to stressors, you can help your little ones manage stress by enrolling them in children’s yoga and meditation classes. 

If you want to help children manage their stress amidst the cruel world, this article will discuss how stress manifests and affects them. We’ll also discuss the health benefits of yoga and meditation and how they can do it properly. 

How Does Stress Manifest in Children?

Stress can affect children’s physical and mental health, but they may not realise their feelings. Warning signs of stress in kids can include stomachaches, headaches, missing school, and crying. They may also withdraw from their previously favourite activities and adopt new habits like thumb-sucking or hair-twirling.

What Are the Behavioural Issues That Can Arise from Stress?

Stress can lead to behavioural issues in children, like lying, bullying, defying authority, and overreacting to minor problems. They may also experience nightmares, separation anxiety, drastic changes in their academic performance, and struggle to concentrate. 

What Are the Common Stressors That Trigger Children?

Kids can experience stress from various sources like family, performance, social situations, peer pressure, changing schools, moving or housing issues, negative self-image, divorce/separation, puberty, and feeling unsafe at home. They can also experience stress when they know their parents’ professional or financial concerns. Moreover, they may feel uncomfortable due to witnessing their parents’ arguments or discovering a loved one’s sickness. 

2 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Benefit Children’s Health

After discussing how stress can affect your little one’s well-being, this section will enumerate two ways yoga and meditation can benefit your child’s health.

1. Physical 

Yoga helps children improve their balance, strength, endurance, and fitness. This physical practice minimises the risk of diabetes and can relieve abdominal pain caused by stress. It also helps children understand their bodies and breathing better. Moreover, meditation can aid children in improving their sleep quality, managing physical symptoms of their emotions, and enhancing their focus.

2. Mental 

Yoga and meditation can benefit children as it enhances their focus, memory, attention span, mental strength, confidence, academic performance, and behaviour in the classroom. This physical activity also allows them to develop the ability to identify and express their emotions effectively.

How to Explain Yoga and Meditation to Your Child

Although all kids are unique, they can practise meditation and yoga when they turn four. You can simply explain these practices and ask how they’re doing. If they feel upset, you can tell them that yoga and meditation may help them feel better. You can also introduce these techniques before bedtime when they’re settling down. Moreover, like potty training, remember that teaching your little ones to meditate takes time, especially if they’re stressed or anxious. 

What Are Some Positive Affirmations Kids Can Practise?

Children can improve their self-esteem and encourage positive thinking by repeating positive affirmations like “I am kind” and “I believe in myself.” They can also tell themselves, “I am determined,” “I will achieve my dreams,” “My voice matters,” and “I can stand up for myself.”

How Can They Start Practising Yoga and Meditation?

Your kids can access YouTube videos and audiobooks that provide helpful tips on starting yoga and offer meditations specifically designed for their age group. 


No child should deal with stress from school or at home, as it negatively affects their physical and mental well-being. You can help them manage this emotion more effectively by teaching them children’s yoga and meditation techniques. 

If you want to educate yourself about children’s yoga in the UK, call Yogamoo! We offer yoga workshops and resources for beginners and pregnancy yoga. Contact us now, and we’ll be happy to answer your inquiries!


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