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Happy New Year 2021 to You All!

It is time for quiet time and reflection on the first day of the New Year.

Are you checking in with your 2020 goals and looking at your 2021 goals? Or perhaps you are looking at your core values?

A few years ago, I really questioned writing down long term goals. This is at the time when I started meditating about my true self, my purpose or Dharma in the Yoga philosophy. The object of my meditation was to be mindful and receive a true intention or Dharma which is the answer to a question such as ‘What does life want from me’?  rather than ‘What do I want from life?

This philosophy is attractive because once you have answered the ultimate questions, then all your actions, goals, and values, naturally come in line with your ultimate purpose.

This philosophy also helped me make sense of the priority of order between the goals and the journey. The dilemma I was facing was as follows: how do you keep yourself motivated if your priority is to be present and enjoy the moment? Yoga taught me that the journey we embrace on our path towards a goal is the most important factor in change and transformation i.e. the skills you acquire along the way such as consistent effort and discipline, as well as the opportunities that reveal themselves on the journey. Hence by the time you reach your goal, you often find that you have transcended this goal and naturally set other steps forward for yourself. It is all a continuous journey with a number of steps along the way, there is no prize for reaching the end of the path because there is just no end.

So should you be setting goals for yourself whether personal or business this year? Yes definitely, because aiming for those is the motor that will keep you on your transformation path. However, once your goals are set, equally, you should let go of the goals and focus on the journey, that is simply to do your best at this moment in time.

Keep connected to your True Self, Be the best version of yourself that you can be, and keep yourself challenged is what I will be working on in 2021.

Looking for something a little bit more relaxing with the family this afternoon? Why not have a look at the Disney animation ‘Soul’? it deals with the dilemma between finding one’s Life’s purpose and enjoying those precious little moments of happiness day to day.

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