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I am grateful to Yoga Alliance Professional Leader Bruce Mackay for offering mentoring as part of our membership at no other cost. This is fantastic support, inspiration; and great role modelling from our governing body as Yoga Teachers often suffer from isolation within their business unit. It can be hard to sustain ongoing motivation when your business consists of a singleton.  I noted the following tips on the mentoring call:

  • the life cycle of a business is very similar to the one of a person: if you are not growing, you are stagnating and soon you will be regressing.
  • get clarification on your goals: what makes your teaching special, what market do you serve and how will you measure your progress
  • set your targets and monitor progress, know your numbers

Consistent approach with the above is what differentiates drifting from progressing. If you run a business, you should be working with others, having a team, and be prepared to invest time and money to make it work. Too often, small business owners burry themselves in Doing the Business themselves and do not have time to grow the business anymore. As a result, stagnation, regression and burn-out can ensue.

Enthusiasm is the opposite of complacency and having a team and peers, or a mentor/supervisor that you are accountable to, can really make a difference every step on the way. Goals can be set very specifically.

When someone is complacent, it means that they are satisfied with the current state of affairs and are not willing to make any effort to change or improve things. This can be detrimental when it comes to achieving goals and progressing in one’s life journey.

Stop Being Complacent!

To “stop being complacent” means to avoid becoming too comfortable or content with one’s current situation or level of success. It means being proactive and taking steps towards achieving one’s goals, even if it requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone or facing challenges along the way.

Being complacent can lead to a lack of motivation and a sense of stagnation. It can also prevent someone from making necessary changes in their life that could lead to personal and professional growth.

Therefore, it is important to regularly assess one’s goals and progress, identify areas that need improvement, and take action towards achieving them. This could involve setting new goals, acquiring new skills, taking risks, or seeking out new opportunities. By doing so, one can ensure that they are continuously growing and evolving in their life journey.

If you are looking to take your career in education to the next step, check out the courses that Yogamoo can offer you so you keep growing commercially and individually.

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