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Standing balance asanas can be quite challenging as a beginner to yoga. Without a strong and stable foundation you might be more used to the one-foot wobble or fearsome yoga fall!

Indeed, you will need both concentration and strength to master a yogi balance. But becoming centred is not only a physical accomplishment. They can also help to relieve stress, reduce tension and improve your focus, coordination and memory! You will find that these postures will provide physical, spiritual, and emotional stability to your yoga practice also great for tight hamstrings

Standing yoga poses for beginners…

It’s true, standing on one-leg will instil inner calm and confidence as you strengthen your legs, knees, core and more. This control of your mind and body balance will leave you better able to face life’s daily stresses, try some basic standing yoga poses too. And of course… be invincible on the mat!


Become centred & find your yogi balance with this simple go-to guide…

Eagle Pose | Garudasana

Half Moon Pose | Ardha Chandrasana

Warrior III | Virabhadrasana III

Tree Pose | Vrksasana

Lord Of The Dance Pose | Natarajasana

Extended Hand to Toe Pose – Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Mountain pose and triangle pose standing poses can be found in other blog posts ut both are great for beginner and expert alike.


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